Where does black spot mould come from?
- Moisture – excess moisture in the air, from daily water usage like boiling the kettle, washing and even breathing can cause condensation. Water droplets on walls created by this condensation are a breeding ground for mould.
- Ventilation – poor ventilation traps excess moisture, increasing the rate of mould growth.
- Temperature – cold surfaces create the conditions for condensation, meaning cold moist environments are most susceptible to mould growth.
What can SprayCork do?
SprayCork effectively tackles black spot mold by combining thermal insulation, fungal resistance, and vapor permeability. Applying a 4-6mm coat to internal walls covers vulnerable spots like window reveals, internal corners, and cold bridges with ease. Adding a 2mm coat of wet plaster on top maintains room sizes without requiring repositioning of existing fittings like electrical points and radiators. Contact us for more details or to request a quote.